
Tortugas del registro arqueológico en el I Encontro de Zooarqueologia Ibérica

Del 26 al 29 de abril se celebraron, en la Universidade do Algarve (Faro, Portugal), el primer Encontro de Zooarqueologia Ibérica (EZI2017) y la 5ª Reunião Científica de Arqueomalacologia da Península Ibérica (5RCAPI). En el primero se presentó un trabajo que supone una recopilación y puesta al día sobre los restos de quelonios publicados en el registro arqueológico de la Península Ibérica. Su resumen es el siguiente:

Turtles are relatively abundant in the Iberian Archaeological record. An update of the data concerning the systematic identifications and the interpretations of these turtle findings in the context of each site is presented here. A comprehensive literature review has been performed, considering both archaeological and systematic publications. New interpretations concerning the firsthand study of some of these remains are presented. In addition, specimens from several archaeological sites where turtle findings were hitherto unpublished, are also analyzed. The results of this study are presented in order to propose biogeographical, temporal, and biological interpretations. With the aim of comprehending the interaction of humans with these reptiles throughout the Iberian archaeological record, we consider that they were captured mainly as a food resource, but also employed for other purposes.

Más información:
  • Referencia: Boneta Jiménez, I.; Pérez-García, A.; Liesau, C. 2017. The turtles in the Iberian archaeological record: an update. Abstract book of the EZI2017: 25.
  • Imágenes: Iratxe Boneta durante la presentación del trabajo (arriba). Ejemplar adulto de Mauremys leprosa identificado en las cercanías de la localidad donde se realizó el congreso.

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